stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


Nothing is sacred to God Money

oh...oh no, no, no...they couldn't have? could they? no? no they didn't?

proof, my dearest friends, that once again NOTHING IS SACRED.


it's like a giant-holy-church-fun-park!


i can't imagine being the guy playing jesus in all the shows. he must take his job really seriously. i can just imagine him sitting in the dressing room, preparing for his role, reading scripture...

what a heavy role man. heavy role. do you think his ego is inflated with all the fame from playing jesus at a jesus theme park?


does anyone think that this is what God intended? or what Jesus meant?

sooner or later there'll be a "Meccaland" and "Bodhi Tree Bar & Grill". yes, when corporations get an idea that money can be made off something there is no limit to the depths at which they will stoop. who are they all praying for REALLY? what GOSPEL is REALLY being taught? i'll tell you...

the great and all-encompassing compassion and love of GOD MONEY.

the falsest idol in the history of false idols.


it's actually quite funny. i wonder how many people go to the HOLYLAND theme park? do you think they get more visitors per year than Disneyland theme parks? or are they in it together?

my mind keeps going back to the dude who plays jesus. that's funny shit right there.

what happened to the days when God was all fire and brimstone? i've asked this before. not only that, but not one person, NOT ONE, rose to meet my Jesus Challenge. damn pansies. so much for standing up for your faith...jesus would died for his faith. you couldn't even come up with one single arguement. either "christ"ianity has cowed you into total submission or i'm RIGHT...or i'll have some psycho fanatic show up on my doorstep one day with a .45...

eh, bring it on. i don't believe in heaven or hell or purgatory, so i'm not afraid of death.

well, i better run! i gotta' book tix for my trip to the HOLYLAND theme park!! woohoo! praise the lawd!!

i pray for all you sinners.

5:59 p.m. - 2005-09-27


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