stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


The All Encompassing Lustful Demon Bunny from the 2nd Layer of Hell

it just keeps getting better! clicked on this through chickpea, who clicked on it through foxy, who clicked on it through cowboy...or something like that...

The Universe Card
You are the Universe card, sometimes called the
World card. The Universe is the complete,
perfect whole. The spiritual path has come to
an end and enlightenment is reached. Events
have reached completion. The different facets
of your life are well-integrated and
harmoniously balanced. This is an ideal state
in which to rest and feel the true state of
your vibrant physical being. Your creative
potential is maximized and you have achieved
goals that you have set for yourself in the
past. After enjoying the pleasure of this
state, a new cycle can begin with new
challenges and triumphs that will keep you
feeling alive and keep building on the
foundations you have planted thus far. Image
from The Stone Tarot deck.

Which Tarot Card Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

once when i had my cards read my card came up the which am i? i suppose that you progress, that in one state you may be represented by one card only to find that you become another later on...

anyway, i'll be back! i just got set up with a new system at work so i'm re-doing all my favorites and re-installing all the necessary software. fun! see ya laters!

oh yeah...



11:52 a.m. - 2004-10-01


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