stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


...Glad that i have found you, or moreover, that you have found you...

dedicated entirely to you.

thank you for you words. i can't tell you how happy i was to know that i had found you. YOU, who still has hopes and dreams. i knew you were there somewhere, hiding.

i know that when life really turns for the worst, we oftentimes stop hoping and dreaming because after awhile it all seems so meaningless and empty. it happens to us all at one point or another to varying degrees.

but again, i am glad my words found you. from here the world is nothing but possibility, no matter how low you feel you are, whether it be rock-bottom or somewhere on the brink, remember that you can always go higher.

what i think is most important for you to keep in mind now is your WILL. i read you doing the things you do and i always think how powerful your will must be. many would shy from such things. but recognize that if you were to focus that powerful will of yours to more positive ends, you truly would be a force to be reckoned with.

it is easy to inflict pain on ourselves and others. it is easy to lay down and give up. it is much, much more challenging to stand up and fight; but your will...ah, your will more powerful than you even know. there is amazing strenght in that small frame of yours. use it!

focus it to make your dreams happen, to heal yourself and others. you, my dearest child, have that power within you. i can see, i have seen it and i have no doubt that you will be able to achieve all that you set out to, tomorrow, and all the long years of your life.

pain is necessary to growth and growth is oftentimes painful. just be sure to keep in mind that everything is a process, and that nothing will happen overnight. sometimes you may slip a bit, but recognize this as being human. sometimes it may not work out the way you want, but recognize this as part of life's lesson. finally, know that despite your folly, past/present/future, you can always find a way to mend all grievances and move towards a more positive way of being...with yourself and the world around you. you have lots of time love, let's not rush it, let us watch it unfold naturally and provide to it the nurturing and care that it needs to become healthy and strong.

nothing is outside your reach. even 50 years from now you will still be growing and changing. it is endless, the evolution of the spirit; and never will you reach a plateau or be "the best you can". for the expanse of your soul is far-reaching and limitless. this is the beauty within us all. now you can see it.

be strong, as you always were and always will be, for the road ahead is tough and long for old habits and ways of thinking die hard. but keep your sights set beyond that horizon, for therein lies your better future...and a life you can TRULY claim as your own, and of your own making. and you can be happy knowing that you did the best you could, and were strong enough to make it happen.

i believe in you and am always here.


11:58 a.m. - 2004-11-06


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