stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


...God is a number you cannot count to...

before i begin, i'd like to once again thank everyone for their kind words. most of you i thanked personally in your notes sections, may the graces of the cosmos smile upon you even in times of rain and shadow. i'd also like to take time to thank mr. TmB for dropping in and saying hello as well. he doesn't have a notes section so i figured i'd link him up and wish him the best as well. let's all make an effort to keep the positive energies flowing for each other and our brethren here on earth shall we? good. we can all sleep better tonight...

so where was i?

ah yes...

there are many in the world who would ask...

"what is God?" or "is there a God?"

...if It were to present Itself unto them i am certain the line of questioning would be as follows:

"what is life and/or existence?" and "why am i (or are we) here?" and "what is the purpose of it all?"

well my beloved star-children, the answer is both simple and complex at the same time (yes it's a conundrum, but bear with me).

the short of it is:


the long of it...well...hmmm...where to begin?

i'll preface first with the simple fact that i do not hold all the answers my loves, and that i am merely like you, a simple little mortal on a small little world, orbiting a yellow sun, spiraling on the outer arm of the milky way galaxy, that is expanding ever-outwards to the edges of space/time.

that being said i will then state simply, that what i place before you now is merely a theory. a theory, unlike a system of belief, is something that can be changed and rewritten after observations are made to prove it otherwise. it is in no way solid, rigid, unchanging fact. nor is it hard, concrete, immovable belief.

it is simply a theory based off of data both read and recorded in my own musings and findings, so take it as is. no more, no less.

i will begin with these statements:

    For the sake of this theory, we must view God and The Universe as the same entity

    The Universe is a vast mathematical equation including, but not wholly comprised of, known physical laws, quantum theory, chaos theory, and other human systems

    There is a place for everything, and everything is in its place

    Matter and objects in motion will follow the path of least resistance

    No two things can occupy the same space at the same time

    Matter can neither be created nor destroyed. it can only change states

keeping the above-mentioned list in mind, let us begin with a simple example...

you walk into a restaraunt and seat yourself at a table to order dinner.

this in and of itself is a rather ordinary and mundane act, but looking past the surface, one must realize just how extraordinary it really is. an uncountable number of circumstances had to unfold through time/space to lead to that one simple act. not only did the entire universe have to begin with the big bang, and all matter expand outwards to form suns, planets, moons and other celestial bodies; but life had to evolve on earth, it had to evolve in such a way as to create a lifeform capable of creating tools and using fire. that lifeform also had to survive several thousand years to get to a level of advancement where it could begin mass producing resources like food and ore to make something like a restaraunt. not only that, but out of all the individuals of this species ONE was born with the traits you possess that would lead you to that singular moment when you opened the door and seated yourself at the table.

remove any ONE of those things from the equation and it all works out differently.

remember too, that THAT ALONE is not the full extent of what lead to that moment. everything the restaraunt is made of also originated similarly. the bricks in the walls. the glass in the windowpanes. the faux leather chairs. the wood in the table. the porcelain dishes. the silverware. ALL OF IT HAS AN ORIGIN, A BEGINNING, SOMEWHERE IN TIME/SPACE.

so you're seated at the table. the waiter brings you a glass of water and asks if you'd like anything to start.

yet again, another mundane everyday thing; but yet still utterly marvelous in its complexity and staging.

by telling the waiter you need more time to see the menu, you set in motion an uncountable number of that effect the entire world around you.

so, back to the menu. you scan the pages wondering what to order. should you get an appetizer? a salad to start? maybe a glass of wine would be nice? you reach for your water mechanically, you've done it thousand times, grab it, bring it to your lips and take a long sip...

now freeze.

this simple act of drinking from a many times has that action been played out in this very same space? in this very same chair? at this very same time? moreover, how many other people around the world were reaching for their glass and taking a sip AT THE EXACT SAME TIME YOU WERE?

in quantum physics, all quantum particles have infinite number of possibilities before collapsing into a present state.

you, now frozen mid-sip, are but ONE quantum possibility working itself out to a DEFINITE, FINITE SOLUTION.

since matter cannot occupy the same space at the same time, the universe is forced to find solutions in other spaces at other times.

so in that singular moment of sipping the water from the glass, every probable quantum possibility of yourself is being played out in time/space.

(get ready to expand your mind a bit)

at that singular moment you share that possibilty (now reality) with EVERY SINGLE HUMAN BEING THAT HAS SIPPED FROM A GLASS OF WATER IN THE HISTORY OF TIME.

you share it with the couple who dined at the table the night before. you share it with the lonely widower who will be doing the same two nights from now. you share it with the vietnamese woman who lives on the other side of the planet...and even more boggling...


every moment in your life is the unfolding of quantum possibility. the continuous solving of the great mathematic. the ebb and flow of The Universe Itself!

you finish your sip and place the glass back on the table. in another possibility the plate was a bit too much to the side causing you to place the edge of the glass on the plate thereby spilling the water on the table. THIS EVENT HAPPENED even if it didn't happen to you! it happened in this very same space SOMETIME in either the past or future. it happened SOMEPLACE in the present.

the possibility exists, therefore it is real and has/is/will happen/ing.

it is your perception of the event that counts. it is the collapsing of quantum possibility into reality right before your very eyes that defines your existence; BUT YOU MUST WITNESS IT FOR IT TO BE REAL...furthermore, IT MUST BE WITNESSED TO BE REAL.

the cat in the box is neither alive nor dead until you open the lid and observe its state alive or dead.

the tree falling in the forest does not make a sound unless there is something there to hear WITNESS it.

each possiblity is preceeded and succeeded by another possibility. entering the restaraunt and sitting at the table preceeds the drinking of the water from the glass which preceeds the spilling of, or not spilling of, the glass.

in programming these sorts of equations are called booleans...they are statistics (0-100%) based off of statistics (0-100%) which are then based off statistics (0-100%).

today there is a 27% chance of rain. you have to go to work 15 miles away so there's a 100% chance you'll drive. since it's a jewish holiday there are less people on the road so your chances of an accident decrease by 15%...etc...etc...etc...


since all things follow the path of least resistance it doesn't rain, you get to work, and no harm befalls you...for now...

it's statistics. it's math.

possibility and probability are inextricably linked!

"okay, whatever, StarDust'Crazy'Boy." you chide. "that still doesn't answer the original questions."


imagine, if you will, that you are the Supreme Being. you know everything, are everything, are everywhere at every time. that being the case. what is time? what is FINITE? what is it to END? what is it to BEGIN? what is it to DIE? what is it to be reborn? to love? to hate? to FEEL?

we are all the extension of that one cosmic being! we are all its way of knowing THESE QUESTIONS.

through us it learns. through us it LIVES. through us it dies, hopes, fears, dreams, loves, laughs, cries, fucks, sweats, eats, shits...

we are the cells composing the liver of the body of GOD. we are but ONE SYSTEM in an uncountable number of systems.

you cannot live without your liver, you cannot live without your skin. remove one system and the entire thing crumbles.

take a really close look at your thumb...closer...closer...CLOSER...

see that little cell there? it has a job to do. it has a specific FUNCTION in your body. do you think the cell questions its purpose? do you think it stops its work and says...

"hey, wait a minute, what the hell am i doing here? what is all this? who made me? what put me here?"

if it did, it would then be assaulted with even GREATER questions...

"woah! you mean i'm part of an even vaster being? then WHO MADE IT? WHERE DID IT COME FROM? why is IT here?!?"

ad infinitum.

thus again, the anser is simple.




it is a symbiotic relationship we share with the Universe...

not only does it learn from us.

we learn from it.

it gives us purpose.

we give it purpose.

for no other reason that that and that alone.

we are all part of the cosmic system. we all have our place in it. there is not ONE THING that does not have purpose. not ONE THING is arbitrary.

not you, not me, not us, not the trees nor the stars. no force is without purpose...the wind, the sun, gravity, electro-magnetism, quatum, etc.

so when you sit there and ponder, ponder not long. for the answer is plain in sight.


no need for definition.

no need for dogma.

no need for structure or order.

you cannot control everything.

everything does not control you.

it's a give/take sort of deal baby.




and know that in all your travels through the world and the voids beyond...


name It what you will. i choose to call it the Universe...or the Cosmos...

i will end with a quote from a song by Marylin Manson (of all people)...


that's it. breathe deep and seek peace my loves. until then...

my heart is full!


8:35 p.m. - 2004-08-12


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