stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


Doctors are not gods

case in point.

seriously people!


doctors are NOT gods, they DO NOT know everything about human health and sickness. they may know a little bit more than the average joe, i'll give them that, but they certainly still have much to learn about.

science isn't exacting. it's based off of theory, observation, and fundamental laws and principles. despite, there are things we thought we new a hundred years ago that have been proven false in the last century; and i can garauntee that there are things we think we know today that will be proven false in the century to come.

what irritates the shit out of me is the underlying assumption that medicine is the cure for our ailments. that medicine will one day save us from death and disease and all that jazz. in my own opinion this couldn't be further from the truth.

if anything i think that medical science has seperated us from our own natural ability to heal and regenerate. i believe that medical science has made us weaker in more ways than it has strengthened us.

i just can't bring myself to believe that neurological/phsychological disorders can be cured by drugs. i just can't. physical ailments, infections and other such complaints can be helped or improved or aided by medications and drugs; but when it comes down to the mental well-being i just don't think it cuts it.

humanity has existed upon this planet for thousands of years. a LARGE majority of that was lived WITHOUT the aid of modern medicines and medical science. sure, our lifespans were shorter and we were prone to the smallest of viral/bacteriological infections and diseases; but in the end we're still here.

the idea that somehow it is WRONG for a child to be wiley and active and flakey is just beyond me. THEY'RE GROWING HUMAN BEINGS FOR GODS SAKE!!! how on gods green earth did we come up with this wacky idea that children should be well-behaved and sit behind desks for 18 years of their lives?!? it's fucking rediculous.

the idea that somehow it is WRONG for people to feel depressed or hyper is also insane to me. WHO DECIDED THIS? WHO DEFINED THE GUIDELINES OF "NORMAL" HUMAN EMOTION?

are we NOT supposed to feel like shit sometimes? are we NOT supposed to be so filled with joy we feel like running around and being silly?

are we all supposed to live in some sick, twilight state of semi-brain-undeath? zombies for the capitolist/societal machine to chew up and spit out?

i'll tell you what the problem is. it's that we don't have time to do the things we'd like most to be doing. it's that we work 40+ hours a week in closed offices, in small cube-farms, for fuck-offs who think they own/know everything. it's because our lives are spent under the yoke of slavery and no matter how much we work we NEVER, NEVER get to be COMPLETELY FREE from it. it's because we have to ASK for time off to go on vacation; and the amount of time dwindles and dwindles down to maybe 3 days a YEAR. it's because when we feel sick and need rest we can't because we have only 2 "sick days" left and might have to save them for when our lives are threatened or we won't get paid for missed work. work, work, work, work, WORK WORK WORK!!

it's ALL WE DO! outside that we're trying to catch up on SLEEP, as well as spend time with our families and our children. in the end all the areas of our lives that are most important slip away from us. we lose sleep so we get sick more often or tired or fatigued. we can't spend time with our children so they grow up watching television and lacking the skills and understanding that quality time with mom and/or dad can afford. our wives and husbands don't have the energy for us, our relationships suffer, our sex lives suffer, our happiness suffers...WE CONTINUALLY SUFFER UNDER AN OPPRESSIVE YOKE OF CAPITOLISM.

of course we need drugs!

of course we're depressed!

of course we want to kill people who piss us off!

of course we want to kill ourselves!

all of it is reactionary to the environment we've built. it is a SYMPTOM of the nation in which we live.

we're all spiritually and emotionally bankrupt. there is nothing, NOTHING that can fill the holes that naw at our hearts and our minds.

medical science promises us a release from pain, a cure to our ills, a better way of health both in mind and in body...or at least, something to make us FEEL that way for a while.

sounds like a fuckin' dope-pusher to me! smoothing over the pain, hiding the sorrow and depression beneath layers of drug-fueled normalcy and illusions of happiness.

what's the difference between cocaine, heroin, marijuana and ritilan, prozac, codine, morphine and alchohol?

what? WHAT?

save for the government says one is good and the other is bad?

it's a "brave new world" my children.

know for a fact that what you feel, the pain in your hearts, the emptiness of your soul is merely a symptom of an even greater sickness. one that cannot be cured by the drugs or the prescriptions that you cling so dearly to. it is a sickness of the soul and of the mind. we have been greatly deceived and fooled into a way of life that RUNS COMPLETELY OPPOSITE OF OUR NATURE AS HUMAN BEINGS.

we MUST remember our ability to heal ourselves. if it wasn't there then how would we all have gotten here in the first place?

the more we "cure" the weaker we get. the weak survive to produce more weakness. i know, i know it sounds callous and uncaring; but i'll stick to my story - YOU CAN'T SAVE EVERYONE. futhermore, great momma' nature has a fuckin' plan and that plan has worked for trillions of years; if it isn't broken don't fuckin' fix it.

it is amazing how utterly terrified of death we are. so terrified we will go out of our ways to avoid it, to not talk about it, to push it away and deny it's existence.

DEATH IS NECESSARY. get it through your skull. it happens...more than likely when YOU JUST DON'T WANT IT TO...OR...WHEN YOU LEAST EXPECT IT.

NOTHING lives forever. NOTHING. even stars doth systems crumble...galaxies collide and collapse. it just changes form, moves around, shifts from one state to another.

medicine isn't going to save you from it. it just isn't. just as buying every cool toy on earth isn't going to make you happy. having all the money in the world isn't going to make you happy. BECAUSE IN THE END YOU'RE STILL GOING TO DIE. IN THE END YOU ONLY HAVE X AMOUNT OF TIME TO LIVE. nothing is going to change that. you work your ass off to make tons of money for what? a 3 day vacation? a fuckin' condo? a house? what?

look at all the things you've missed because of it? now you have even less time to enjoy it. all your life just passed you by, every opportunity lost can never be bought back with money. your youth cannot be bought back with money.

therein lies the rub. therein lies the cause of our sickness. that we cannot enjoy our lives when we have the time to do it or the youth to do it. we toil ourselves sick.

"whyfore do ye toil? if ye cannot taste the fruits of your labors?"

nothing is going to save us from this. jesus isn't coming back to take away the pain with his laserbeam eyes. medicine isn't going to create a cure all for pain and suffering and sickness and death.

only we can change it. only we can save ourselves from the disease that eats its way through our souls. it begins with realizing our own potential as individuals, and furthermore our own potential as a unified race of sentient beings.

we have to realize our ability to heal ourselves and each other. with kindness and love, care and respect. medicine is great, it can HELP but it certainly cannot fully HEAL. only we can do that.

one day we will realize the folly of this way of thinking. one day we will realize the anti-progressive nature of western civilization, western philosophy and western medicine...until that time we will continue to suffer at our own hands...and we will only get sicker and sicker...until it all just dies...


11:59 a.m. - 2005-06-29


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