stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary



brought to me by the lil foxy vixen.

ex dragon
You're like a dragon. Dragons where the terrible
creatures that lived in large caves and often
swooped down out of the sky and stole sheep,
cows, and even people from the countryside to
eat. They were gigantic with spikes along the
back and tail. Some had wings, legs, and the
ability to breathe fire. Even in the Bible, the
Levithian resembled something like a dragon so
they may have actually existed. Dragons were
loyal protectors that were more powerful that
any other animal that ever lived. Some where
peaceful and others just wanted to destroy. The
pest control for dragons were Knights who were
appointed the task of killing a dragon. Some
stories tell us that eating the dragon heart
let you claim victory in any battle or eating
the tongue would allow you to win any debate.
(If you cannot see the picture, go to my
userpage and look near the bottom. There should
be the picture and description for all the

What Mystical Creature Are You? (Pictures)
brought to you by Quizilla

Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"

Attractive Affectionate.Shy and reserved. Secretive. Naturally honest, generous and sympathetic. Loves peace and serenity. Sensitive to others. Loves to serve others. Easily angered. Trustworthy. Appreciative and returns kindness. Observant and assesses others. Revengeful. Loves to dream and fantasize. Loves traveling. Loves attention. Hasty decisions in choosing partners. Loves home decors. Musically talented.Loves special things. Moody.

Take the quiz: "What Is Your Kink?"

You live to serve! You're most excited when someone else takes the reins and controls the situation. You're happy to do whatever will make your partner happy, even if it isn't your favorite thing to do. In the bedroom, you aim to please. Your motto is, Yes Sir/Ma'am!

Take the quiz: "Are you a good friend?"

You are one good mate, you never let your friend down even if it means being boring unpopular and beaten up!!!


okay, i'm done with the online quiz thing.
first, everyone knows i'm a dragon. duh, born in 1976.
second, the whole description for the month of march is pretty much the description you'd get for a pisces. hello?!? get a bit more creative guys. the only question in that quiz was "what month were you born in?". that's it. i fuckin' know that shit already.
third, a "submissive"?!? HA! hahahahahahaHA! this is WAY too much of a generalization. sure, i like to please my partner in any way they desire, but this by no means does a submissive make. if my partner wanted me to smack them and pound the ever living shit out of their asshole while shouting "fuckin' take it you slutty lil bitch!!" then i'd do it, but that is by no means a "submissive". sheesh.

finally, i'm a friend. wow. what a fucking revelation. that's fucking amazing. jeez. i never thought i could do it.

i just wasted approximately 30 minutes of my time doing these damn things and they've taught me about...mmm...

this much-->[]

...about myself. in other words, they told me shit i already knew. and what's with the fuckin' questions? not only that, what's with the fucking answer choices? can't they put in a "none of the above" catagory or something? i mean, some of these answers are fucking stupid and do not apply to me AT ALL. for example, in the "What's my kink" quiz, how am i supposed to answer...

Q: "my ideal job would be..."

A - Winner on an American Idol
B - Physiotherapist
C - Head of a Big Corporation
D - Professional call girl/gigolo
E - Secretary or gofer
F - Rodeo Star

what the FUCK?!? first, what in the fucking hell does THIS have to do with how or what kink i am?!? huh? somebody? second, "winner on american idol"?!? if ANYONE ever says to me that's what they want their ideal job to be i swear to the ALMIGHTY GOD ABOVE i will punch them in the fucking jaw, pull their underwear over their fucking empty fucking head, and kick them off a cliff into the sea. of all the fucking rediculous, retarded, pop-sucking, MTV/tv whore...YEARGH!!


point is, what the hell does that have to do with anything? and what's with the stupid list of ideal jobs? NONE OF THOSE would be my ideal job. why not astronaut? why not pilot? why not a famous painter? hell, why not a fuckin' rock-and-roll star? but a fucking RODEO STAR?!? who the fuck? godDAMMIT!! if i ever find who writes these quiz thingies, so help me god...

so now you could say that i'm the:


definitely not shabby at all. but i could have told you that a long time ago without any quizzes. sheesh!

anyway, no more quizzes so help me lord. hope all your weekends were good. the bonfire rocked the socks around the blocks! as always. going to my sisters wedding in a day or two. and work is just workin' along in it's merry ol' workin' way. love ya! until next time...


11:23 a.m. - 2004-10-05


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