stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


...Fuck Vegans, Cannibalism is the NEW DIET!!


on the inside i'm fuming.

when did people start adopting stupid ideas on what we should and shouldn't eat? it's starting to piss me off royally. if you are a vegan or a offense...but you're diet doesn't make any difference in overall health.

yeah, yeah,'d like to THINK that you're BETTER than the rest of the average populace. you'd like to THINK that your diet is MORALLY superior. you'd like to THINK that your diet will allow you to live to be 148 years old.

but sadly, i hate to be the one to break it to you...

you're not.

yep, you're still just another lil human being who's gonna' die one day. sorry. your diet isn't going to make any amount of difference.

as soon as you can accept this, you can leave me alone and stop telling me your way is the better way. you can stop vomiting psuedo-scientific bullshit to support your "lifestyle". it's making me ill.

i eat meat.

i LOVE meat. red meat. juicy. bloody.

mmmm. *shiver*

i also like RAW tar-tar...

it's utterly visceral...the sensation of sinking my teeth into the flesh...

there is no doubt in my mind i was a born meat-eater. my mother's greatest cravings during her pregnancy were MEAT...moreover...RAW MEAT...

as i developed, and my teeth started to come in, the dentist found that i had an extra set of teeth. i had four more teeth than your usual person...these teeth were canine teeth. i had an extra set of canines...tearing teeth...the teeth that bite down and rend away chunks. i had the teeth removed to make space in my mouth for braces.

recently, some people here at the office went on a "vegan retreat" turns out that it wasn't just was in fact a more extreme version of vegetarianism whose followers call themselves "rawists". the idea is that one does not eat foods prepared over heat of more than 105 degrees. thus, the idea of boiling is out of the question. a rawist eats raw fruits, vegetables, nuts and other such things. grains such as rice are out of the question since they invovle boiling. tea, coffee...also out of the question.

now, i'm not at all against the idea of eating only raw foods. in fact, i think it's probably pretty smart on a nutritional level simply because most cooking saps a large quantity of the nutrients in any given food so you get less from a cooked piece of broccoli than you do from a fresh, uncooked piece of broccoli.

what irritates the shit out of me, as i said before, is the crap psuedo-scientific data that these people spout out in support of their diet. here are a few bullet points...

    humans weren't meant to eat meat.

    humans digestive systems are made to digest plant matter.

    meat takes seven days to digest as opposed to other food which takes 24 hours.

    cooked meat (red in particular) causes all sorts of evil health problems from heart disease, to diabetis, to high cholestoral, to ass-and-bowel-cancer, and other cancers. in fact, according to these people meat is the #1 source and cause of all human ailments A to Z.

    a diet containing meat limits the life span.

    raw foods are devoid of chemicals, toxins, hormones, preservatives, and other such agents that also cause cancer and health problems.

    eating meat only adds to the horror and evil of the meat industry, making life a nightmare for cute lil cows and fuzzy lil chicks the world over.

these are usually the common arguements for the case of being a vegan/vegetarian/rawist. but i'll tell you now that it is all bullshit. let's look at each point shall we?

first, the blatantly false statement that humans weren't meant to eat meat, and that our digestive systems are specifically for plant matter is a gigantic load of steaming horse-shit. i'll give you three major reasons why:

1) - teeth. human teeth serve three major purposes. cutting, in the case of incisors; tearing, in the case of canines; and chewing in the case of molars.

2) - digestive length. the human digestive system has adapted itself to digesting several different types of organic matter (both animal and plant) by extending the length of the small intestine. thus food spends more time being pushed through and broken down outside the intense digestive area of our stomach.

3) - the presence of a now-redundant second stomach. that's right, the appendix is nothing more than a shriveled, useless, and redundant second stomach. a leftover from our simian stages when all we ate were vegatables.

the presence of the three different types of teeth shows that we are indeed adapted to grind up, tear and chew all sorts of different stuff. if we were strictly herbivorous then the canines would be absent much like a horse or a cow. human teeth are indeed a special case simply because we are the result of several iterations along the evolutionary chain. so saying that our teeth still aren't like a predators or an omnivors (like a bear) is still flimsy evidence to the point. our teeth still have the three different functions of cutting, tearing and one set is larger or takes more precedence than the other...they're all about the same size and aligned in a specific order.

once chewed, broken down food is then passed into our stomach. the stomach is a mighty powerful agent. it contains dozens of enzymes, bacteria and other such stuff to rapidly break down and destroy organic matter of all types. lacto-bacillus aid in the digestion of milk-based foods. e coli aid in the digestion of dense proteins. sulfuric acid is also quite a powerful agent in dissolving any other dense organic matter that we may eat. after sitting in the stomach for a few, food is then passed into the small intestine, where even more enzymes break it down and all nutrients and remaining vitamins are absorbed into the body. since the small intestine is rather long, it gives the body an ample amount of time to remove all required nutrients from the digesting matter. ANY REMAINING OR EXCESS NUTRIENTS ARE DISPOSED OF OR SAVED IN FAT CELLS. that's right, your body digests all foods at pretty much the same rate. so the idea that meat, or even gum (the stupidest urban legend ever) remains in your body for an extended duration beyond 24 hours is pure horseshit. anything you body does not use is shit out at the end of the day, end of story. meat doesn't hang around in your small intesting for 7 days, gathering up more meat over time until you have pounds and pounds of undigested meat inside shit it out. remaining proteins that aren't used are pissed out. the overall length of our small intestine indicates an adaptation to more efficiently break down fibrous plant matter. it allows the body more time to absorb nutrients from matter that is usually pretty tough to digest. because our stomach has adapted to be a bit more potent in the way it breaks down food, and our intestine has lengthened to allow for more time spent absorbing digested food...the need for a SECOND STOMACH is obsolete.

most herbivorous animals have two stomachs or even more that slowly break up the digesting plant matter. the extra number of stomachs decreases the need for an incredibly long intestine, thus you will find that strictly herbivorous animals have smaller intestines than animals that are omnivorous (like a pig or a bear). a predator has almost no intestinal tract for their digestive systems are solely for the breaking down of animal matter. humans are more like an omnivor than anything else. our appendix is the only testimony that at one point in our evolution we had another stomach to aid in the digestion of plant matter. now, the appendix serves no function at all save to get food stuck in it and swell up.

now, on to addressing the other reasons why vegans say you shouldn't eat meat. according to some of their "scientific" findings, a diet containing meat limits the lifespan and introduces the body to all sorts of medical and health problems like ass-cancer, or bowel cancer, nuts cancer, skin cancer, eye cancer, face cancer, brain cancer, cancer cancer cancer. it also leads to increases in the risk of heart disease and diabetes.

again, this is a bunch of horseshit. eating meat makes no major impact to these factors one way or the other. that's not to say that if you stuff your face with mcdonald's every day and finish it all off with a nice juicy steak for dinner you won't begin to see some difference in your way of life.

the point here is what i like to call...


yes, i know, it's a crazy idea; but let me break it down real quick. you see, when you do things in "moderation" you don't risk overdosing on any given thing in life. be it meat, milk, eggs, butter, fat, sugar, cocaine, coffee, cigarettes, alchohol, marijuana, hard-core fucking, and any other myriad of things you can overdo in life.

when you're practicing "moderation" you eat until you are full. don't know what that is? let me give you a quick pointer. you're "full" when you feel like the next bite you take is going to make you explode and/or vomit. you don't need to eat two hamburgers to be really is enough.

you don't need to eat meat 3 times a day every day...once is enough.

so the idea that meat is solely responsible for the number of deaths and diseases is also a fallacy. it may be related in some cases, but definitely not ALL CASES. so saying that meat decreases someones lifespan is also a load of horseshit. who's to say that eating only bananas won't kill you? who's to say that eating only broccoli isn't an effective diet?

my point in all this is, just fucking give it up on all these stupid diet/food/weight loss fads! they're UTTERLY-FUCKING-RETARDED.

eat what you like, listen to your cravings more, and when you eat for crying out loud don't gorge yourself, man! just one is enough. you don't need to eat the fucking restaraunt you fat-pig-fucker.

also, stop being caught up in the rediculous alien body-image-ideal of our modern society. YOU LADIES in particular. fuck those scrawny-bitch actresses, it's VILE! if i wanted to fuck a girl built like a little boy with titties, i'd go and find a little boy and stuff some fuckin' balloons in his t-shirt, okay? fuck that.

everyone needs to realize that a few pounds is fuckin' sexy. that a woman whose built like a woman is fuckin' sexy. big titties, large hips good for bearing healthy children, nice thick thighs to grab onto while plowin' away like a mad fiend...

human women are not size 0. fucking gray alien women are...but not HUMAN WOMEN.

do you know where the term "perfect 10" comes from?

let me share with you.

the term "perfect 10" denotes dress size. it denotes that a woman had a body with some seriously dangerous curves; and this phrase was coined shortly after Marylin Monroe and Betty Page hit the scene...IT WAS THEIR DRESS SIZE!! a size 10 baby. that's right, one of the biggest sex icons in the history of the world was a size 10...not a size 1 or a size 0...A SIZE MUTHA'-FUCKIN'-HOT-AS-THE-SURFACE-OF-THE-SUN 10!!

so all you ladies out there, fuckin' toss this lame hollywood/fashion mag/pop-icon body image that is constantly being shoved down your throat and embrace the goddess within you. big titties, little titties, big round ass, or a smaller flatter ass, it really doesn't matter. we all have different body types and you HAVE TO LEARN TO CELEBRATE WHAT GOD GAVE YOU.

OWN your shit.

by buying in to all that crap you just add fuel to the fire, and more and more stupid food fads start popping up.


that's right, all this shit, all these stupid diet trends and eating habits and crap are all ways to get you to buy shit.

organic foods.

organic health drinks.

herbal supplements.

power bars.

energy drinks.

diet pills.


it doesn't fucking matter. just be active, get up now and again and go run around, dance, swim, rollerblade, ride a bike, hike up a mountain, fuck like a wild animal. but for the love of God just LET GO of this stupid idea that every woman has to be some scrawny lil twig with NO ASS and HUGE FAKE TITTIES.

it's gross. and it only creates more fucking vegans and other diet wierdos who find it in their infinite wisdom to regurgitate fucking rediculous scientific mumbo-jumbo into my face every time i want to enjoy a juicy hamburger.

please help. next time i hear someone tell me the ills of eating meat i won't be able to repress the urge to put my foot through their face. i won't.

moral reasons for not eating meat are stupid too. trees and plants have feelings too fuck-offs! didn't your botanist tell you to talk to your plants? that talking to them while you water them will actually make them grow? now what? are people going to make a new diet called "dirtists" where all you eat is dirt? moral reasons for not eating something, UNLESS YOU'RE ACTUALLY HINDU, is retarded and makes you look like a fucking pansy. if you're going to do it, then by all means go balls out and adopt the HINDU faith. i'd be much more inclined to accept your choices then, otherwise shut the fuck up.

this whole concept of "meat is murder" is idiotic. it's the nature of the universe...something dies so something can live. that's all there is too it. it's the circle of life, you know, like that fucking elton john song. the fucking gazelle eats the grass (which i'm sure it has no moral hesitations in doing) and then the lion eats the gazelle (which it too has no moral hesitations in doing).

you're not saving anything by not eating meat, you're only pissing me off. not eating a cow because it is a sacred animal is cool. not eating a cow because you think it's cute and cuddly is just plain assinine.

if you're not going to eat then something else will. if you freed all the cows tomorrow then they'd be eaten by wolves and wild animals so you really haven't solved a damn thing.

"oh but that's natural." you say.

fuck off. i'm a human, a natural part of the system here on earth, just as much a part as the lion and the cow and the grass. therefore, i will do as they do and eat cows and grass...shit if i'm hungry enough and have the advantage...i'll eat the fucking lion too. hey! that's how it works baby. you're either to top of the food chain, or the bottom. end of fucking arguement.

people expressing concern for animals like they were other human beings make me sick. forget that people are starving and dying all over the world. no, it's MUCH MORE IMPORTANT that we save the cows than it is to help out our fellow brothers and sisters.

get a clue jackass.

the idea that someone actually CHOOSES to be this way is just astonishing. it really just goes to show how fucking retarded amercians are getting. wow! bravo shithead! you choose not to eat meat! woopee! hoorah! i betcha' a lil boy in south africa is thinking the same thing right now too.

"hmmm, should i eat meat or not? i think i'll just eat this meager bowl of rice with flies in it's better for the cows that way."

oh if only others had such luxury as to jump on every, any and all lil food trends that pass by! how wondrous indeed...jesus fucking christ...

hey, while you're at it mr. "i won't eat meat because cows are people too" why don't you go and shut down all medical research facilities too? i mean, think of all the lab rats and monkeys you'll save? they can be free to swing from trees and throw feces at you and infest the sewers and restaraunts of your fine american city. wouldn't it be grand? then we'd have ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do any sort of medical testing on! everyone would die from strep throat and chicken pox!

it's fucking brilliant!

we could all go back a few eras in human history and technology...back to the iron ages...hell...back to the stone age! what a great fucking idea!!

then we could eat all the raw food we want!! woohoo!!


you see, it really just boils back down to the simple human need to be special.

look at me! I'M not eating meat! that makes me morally superior to everyone else! it makes me healthier than everyone else! I'M going to live longer than everyone else! this means I'M special and YOU'RE not you meat-eating, unhealthy simpleton!

fuck yourself dipshit.

i'm really growing tired of all this crap. i'm growing tired of people's undying NEED to issue public service announcements to me at random intervals...

while smoking a cig:

me: aaah, what a gorgeous day. *puff* mmm, relaxing and good!

fucknob: hey there! you know, smoking those will give you cancer and you're going to die?

me: gee golly?!? you don't say? WOW! i never heard THAT before! well, i better quite right away! man! i wish they'd tell you this stuff. thanks fucknob!

while eating a hamburger:

me: man this bacon-cheeseburger is delicious, it really hits the spot. *munch munch*

antimeatman: hey! you know that eating meat is bad for you? if you keep eating meat you're going to die!

me: *throwing the burger out the front door* no way!?! holy shit! well thank you antimeatman! i would have never known unless you took it upon your self-righteous ass to tell me about it! man, if it wasn't for people like you and fucknob i don't know what i'd do...i'd probably be dead! thanks antimeat man!

you don't see me going up to women with infants and saying...

me: hey babyfactory! you realize there's a growing population problem don't you? why don't you close your cunt-whore legs for once and NOT have a baby?

you don't see me approaching an obese person at a restaraunt and saying:

me: hey fatty-foo-mulatty! before you stuff that extra helping of fettucini alfredo in your monstrous pie-hole, i thought i'd tell you that you have an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. if you keep eating like that you're gonna' die!

i'm tired of people finding it within their personal duty to tell ME what is right for me. i find it increasingly irritating to be told that things are going to kill me.

me: hey fancy pants! you know wearing jeans that are too tight increases the risk of getting nuts cancer and infertility!?

i just don't do that to why on God's green earth do people find the NEED to do it to me? huh? why?

again, because it makes them feel special.

well fuck that noise. i'm going to adopt a policy of aggression to people of this sort from here on out. when they come up to me and give me some retarded public service announcement, i'm going to let them have it. maybe then they'll keep their opinions and advice to themselves.

if i wanted it i would beat it out of them. otherwise, just let me enjoy my smoke in peace, k? mkay.

so if any of you out there are vegans or whatever...well...don't be too offended. i can't help it that you're just a part of some silly food fad. hey, your choice, your body, right? more power to ya. just shut up and keep it to yourself, mkay? mkay.

i hope you all had a wonderful weekend. i know i did. managed to get some cleaning done, hung out with friends, watched some movies and even got a bit done on my website. i'll come back on sometime in the near future with some sexy stuffs that i think you all will like! until then be good!

my heart is full!



12:25 p.m. - 2004-08-16


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