stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


...a Theory on the Meaning of Life....

after some consideration and testing i've developed a fairly sound theory on the "Meaning of Life". scientists, theologists, and philosophers have contemplated it since the dawn of civilization...the eternal question...

"why?"'s what i time? then read on...


i've come to think that life is nothing more than a sequence of statistics, random numbers and chance counting onwards to infinity. today, there is a 1-5% chance of rain (maybe more), thus there is still the POSSIBILITY of rain albeit a very SMALL possibility. just as there is a 1 in 1,000,000,000 chance of getting struck by lightning (that's a .000000001% chance). REALLY slim considering...but possible nonetheless.

everything you do, and everything that happens is affected by chance, by a percentage. it gets more complicated as many percentages hinge off of other percentages (in programming this is called a boolean). for example...

getting ample amount of sleep last night there was a 78% chance that i would get up on time. once up and out of the apartment, there was a 97% chance that i would encounter traffic on the freeway. while in traffic, there was a 57% chance that i would get in an accident. if an accident were to occur, there would be a 15% chance that it was fatal, 40% chance that more vehicles would be involved, and a 80% probability that police would show up. if an accident occured then my chances of showing up to work on time dropped from about 85% probability to about 30% probability.


of course these numbers are theorized. since to have complete statistical data i'd need the exact amount of cars on the freeway, etc., etc.

the point is, life is like a giant lottery. every event is like a "prize" you win when your name gets pulled, or when you guess all the right numbers, or scratch the right ticket. sometimes you win the grand prize, sometimes you win a few hundred bucks, sometimes it's just five bucks, sometimes it's another ticket, and most of the time it's nothing at all.

the idea being that everything you do is like an entry into the big "grand-prize-drawing"...sort of like on IWON.COM.

positive actions are logged as positive entries, the more positive things you do the more your entries increase. negative actions bring your total down and thus the number of entries you have decreases.

when your name is pulled the number of entries you have is taken into consideration...the higher the better...the lower the worse.

this would account for karma. the idea that what you do comes back to you.

karma is without the definitions of "good" or "evil"...merely positive and negative since these are the two major forces of the universe.

positive = creation, energy, matter, motion

negative = destruction, void, emptiness, static (no motion)

so with this in mind, consider your actions. in any given moment you have the option of doing something positively (in a way that creates energy and motion) or negatively (a way that is destructive, stops movement or is empty).

i'm not going to get into semantics and try and define what actions are positive and which are negative. i think that people have an innate understanding of these principles. as a rule of thumb i like to think that any action given in good faith, without ego, that benefits others, the world at large and mankind is positive. whereas any action that is inherently selfish, malicious, destructive, or harmful to the world at large and mankind is negative.

let's say that when you do something positive you get +1 entry in the "cosmic raffle" and when you do something negative you get -1.

when your name is drawn, in other words when something happens to you, the numbers are crunched. if you have a high number of entries then the possible outcome of the situation inclines to your favor. if the number of entries is low or in the negatives then the situation leans out of your favor. when the situation is over your entries are reset at 0. though i'd imagine that however you responded to the situation may be tallied afterwards.

for example...

i got into an accident today. it was clearly my fault (i rear-ended the guy). yet, despite the police presence, and my lack of insurance and registration the whole thing went by fairly smoothly all things considered. the guy i hit was easy-going, amiable and understanding even to the point of trying to convince the other gentleman to settle without using insurance so as to save my ass. this is a very nice gesture on his part.

i'd like to think that this is perhaps in part for all the times i did something nice to help someone out. that instead of EVERYTHING that could go wrong going wrong, only a few things went wrong and the rest was overlooked (somehow).

considering the situation, perhaps i was the unfortunate executor of karma upon this poor fellow. perhaps he had done something in the past that there was no atonement for (maybe he bumped a parked car and didn't say anything who knows). or likewise, perhaps this was karma falling upon me for some past misdeed. in the end, when the scores were totaled the numbers leaned in my favor and things weren't as bad as they could have been.

statistics = karma

when we all walked away from it. our karma was set to zero. perhaps the guy i hit was given a +1 for being so nice to me...who knows...

that's the idea anyway. that karma and fate and destiny is merely numbers, percentages and probability. that anything in life has a CHANCE of happening, but does or doesn't depending upon what you've done leading up to that event...and in the events following...

"god is a number you can not count to..." ~ Marylin Manson

"Mechanical Animals"

so be positive no matter what happens, and things won't turn out half bad.


4:05 p.m. - 2002-12-05


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