stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary



he planted his feet firmly upon the path that wound its way through the dark jungles bordering the Eternal City. all around him the shadows fell silent. the gnarled roots of trees and sick twisted vines impeded his progress. breathless he stopped amidst an open area of ground at the base of a large tree. in the gloom beneath the canopy there was little light and he sat beneath the tree upon the soft green moss.

not a sound emanated from the jungle around him. he remembered the prophets and how they spoke of the jungle. they said it was a place of phantoms and demons, and place where no man had walked and ever returned. so far he had seen nor heard nothing, merely lonely silence.

his stomach grumbled. he was famished but sadly all the rations and supplies now lay deep beneath the waves, food for the fish and crabs. solemnly he reached down and pulled a wad of moss from the ground. he studied it for a moment, then stuffed it in his mouth. it tasted of earth. he had no choice but to keep moving. if he did not reach the Eternal City by nightfall, he may have no chance of ever leaving the preternatural silence of the jungle.

he stood, and again made his way through the thick vines and undergrowth. after a few minutes his nose caught an air of something wholly strange yet utterly familiar. he moved towards it sniffing.

as he made his way deeper the scent became much stronger. it was the smell of cherryapple pie...freshly baked...the kind Elesa would make for him. with the urging of his empty stomach his footsteps and pace increased until he was nearly running through the jungle. he crashed through the growth into an open clearing and stood in shock and amazement.

there before him was a small cottage. lazy clouds of smoke curled from the chimney top and the smell of cherryapple pie was as dense as the vegetation around him.

"what in the name of Serpantus?" he said quietly as he made his way to the doorstep.

he pressed his ear against the wood. from within he could hear a faint melody, hummed upon the lips. he could not help but hum along and with great excitement he knocked upon the door.

"Elesa! Elesa! is that you?!?"

"Come in! i've just prepared a cherryapple pie, your favorite!"

he burst through the door. the inside of the cottage was quaint and warm, in great contrast to the stormy beach and dark jungle outside. he rejoiced. there before him was Elesa wearing a small apple and cherry stained apron. in her hands she held a freshly baked pie.

"what...what are you...?" his voice trailed.

"i thought you might come, here, sit." she pulled a chair out from the table and motioned him forth. he quickly welcomed the opportunity and sat upon the small wooden chair.

"Elesa, what are you doing here?"

"what do you mean silly? i've been cooking while you were hunting. rest, you obviously are tired. eat, and fill your empty stomach." she cut a slice from the pie and placed it upon a clay plate. the reddish insides flowed forth, still steaming. his mouth watered and he shoveled the first bite into its hungry opening.

"oh great father, this is delicious! you don't know how i've missed this!" he said between bites.

"what? you sure you didn't overwork yourself? you act as though you haven't seen me in ages."

"i haven't! i have been to the Isle of Destiny beyond the Sea of Sargus, through the Chambers of Balgrath and over the Plains of Sorrow...i..." he stopped. for the first time he noticed the mark was gone! he was whole again!

"oh there you go with that dream again. you must know that dreams are not reality and are the playthings of childish minds. here, have some more pie." she scooped another piece onto his plate.

"mmm...i love your pie. it is the most delicious i have ever known." he said with his mouth full.

"only the best for my love." she smiled. he couldn't help but smile back, he was at home.

as he finished the second piece of pie, Elesa poured him a warm cup of spiced javabean cider. he reveled in its taste and smell.

"relax dear. here, let me take off your boots." she came over to him and pulled the mud stained boots from his tired feet. she began to rub them softly. he moaned as the tension ebbed from his body.

"you really should get rid of these old things." she said as she slid the boots beneath the table. "here, let me take your sword." she unbuckled the strap on the scabbard and placed the sword on the floor.

"wait! i need..." he couldn't finish. his belly was full and she was rubbing his aching feet, he was paralyzed by comfort.

"shhhh. just lay back. i will take care of you my sweet." she rose and went to the hearth, removing a kettle of warm water and pouring it into a clay bowl. she took a cloth from the wall and poured dried roseleaves into the water.

"lay back darling. your feet are tired and dirty, i will wash them for you and when i am done you can sleep before the fire."

he sighed contentedly and laid his head back on the chair. his mind drifted softly and he felt as though he would sleep. as his heavy eyes began to close a ghostly image appeared in his mind. a cloud, vague and insubstantial, curled and spiraled behind his eyes. it began to move, as if of its own accord, coalescing into a solid form. its eyes stared at him.

"watch out boy!" it roared and he was jolted from his seat. the sudden movement sent Elesa tumbling backwards, spilling the bowl and knocking over the chair.

"wait!" he yelled.

"what on earth has gotten into you?" she asked exasperated.

"this...this is..." his mind swam. he searched its corners. what was it? there was something...

"are you all right my love?" she asked, brushing herself off.

"i...don't...i don't know. i'm confused..." it was then that he saw it. the dark, fetid mark of Baalgorgon. twisting and writhing its way up his left arm beneath his shirt sleeve and beyond.


"no what? what are you talking about, what is wrong?" she pleaded coming to him and taking his hand.

"this is not real Elesa. You are not real." he snatched the sword from the floor and rebuckled it around his waist.

"what? but i am! you are mad! ever since the dreams you have not been the same! you are possessed!" she cried.

"no...this is but a dream. you are not the real Elesa, but an Elesa created from my own own own despair and fear. i am in the jungles outside the Eternal City. my crew and my ship are gone. i am alone!" his hand gripped the sword handle.

"oh! how could you! you and your dreams...i am real! you have foresaken me!" she sobbed and fell upon the floor.

"no...the real Elesa lies far to east. that is home. she awaits me still for i have not returned. i am here to awaken the are but a phantom...a shadow. be gone! no longer will i be fooled by your illusions! i am in the jungle, on my way to the Chamber of Dreams! fate has bound me to this task...and no one...not even the dark godking Baalgorgon himself can stop me now!" he unsheathed the Sword of Heartlight. its blade shining like the sun. all around him the cottage turned to shadow, and from shadow into silent the jungle . Elesa's form faded, shifted, she was no more than a petrified cadaver, bound by vines and moss...some ancient traveler who never woke up from his blissful reverie...

he swung the sword downward, crushing the lifeless body to dust. with a quick motion, he sheathed the sword once again and he was surrounded by quiet gloom. he pulled his boots on and his thoughts drifted sadly to far away...

but he knew he would again return home. he knew that their eyes would once again meet. though it may be then that they are different, he believed that the threads of fate were strong and the answers would be clear as the newly made sky on that day. until then, he must fulfill what the stars had ordained and be purified by the Dreamer so that he may again see wonder and innocence...

"i will not be stopped." he whispered. "by man, nor beast, nor demon. none can deter me from my course. i will be whole again...i will awaken the Dreamer...the world will be remade anew so that i may look upon it with new eyes and heart, untainted by the mark of are in my heart Elesa...and that is never far..."

he turned and once again made his way through the nightfall he would be at the gates of the Eternal City...and soon after...the Chamber of Dreams...


2:52 p.m. - 2002-10-16


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