stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


...Brain has officially left the building...


the second hand on the clock is moving like the hour hand right now, GaH!

i'm so bored out of my skull right now, and i just want to go home. in fact, i was ready to go home at like 2:30 this afternoon.

i think that i'm just ready for friday! it started out so sunny today and then it turned to rain. so i suddenly felt my energy level drop drastically. i'm glad to inform you that i will indeed be enjoying a nice three-day weekend this weekend. can't complain about that!

alas, JeLLy's shit-ass boss doesn't celebrate president's day so she's gotta' work. :-(

it was the same way on martin luther king day too. man her boss is a schleptar. my he have explosive, ass-burning diarrhea for three days. HeX!

not much else is going on. the project i've been working on the past six months was officially cut today which is hellah lame. DiC is managed by retards, spread the word!

so now i'm just sittin' around with my dick in my hand, fuckin' around with some new programs and doing absolutely nothing in general. though it seems they have plenty for me to help out on, i guess tomorrow will probably be a busy day, which will only make it go by faster! yippee!

JeLLy is feelin' a bit under the weather today, why don't you all leave her some notes and wish her well? that would be so nice of you, thanks!

she was out late last night partyin' it up with the girls and you know JeLLy, if she doesn't get her rest she gets real worn out!

hopefully some positive healing vibes will set her straight so that she can go out and have a good time tomorrow night. ;-)

anyhoo, i'm gonna' go and stare blankly at my monitor and drool again. i hope everyone's day was more exXxciting and eventful than mine was!

entertain me!

5:30 p.m. - 2005-02-17


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