stardustcboy's Diaryland Diary


...NYC to LA...

*jumping up and down*


i'm vrry vRRy excited!! my cuz just got in today from NYC! this kat is like my brother. him, his sister, my sister and i all grew up together so there is nary a childhood memory that does not include them somehow!

so to celebrate his arrival i'm throwing a GiNoRmOuS kareoke partay at the local watering hole/kareoke bar! it's going to be hellah fun.

BUT...that's not NEARLY the end of it my lil cyber-friends! oh no no no! your dear narrator, his cuz, g, and gaggle of friends are goin' to continue the racous partying all the way to veGas for the weekend! YeeeeeeHAW!!

that's right! we're packin' up the wagons and headin' east to the city'O'SiN to steep ourselves in mischief, liquor, nude/exotic dancers, gambling and other sorts of debauchery for the WHOLE WEEKEND!

i'll admit, i've never partied in veGas before my fellow cyber-buddies and whoodawgitty am i ready to cut loose!

so tonight we begin the festivities with some kareoke and drunken mayhem. tomorrow, i'm skippin' out on work! haHA!! so that i may spend the day with my dear CuZ and get ready for our little trip. friday night we're hittin' yamashiro's in hollywood...the ritziest, most ScRuMTraLesCeNT sushi bar this side o the pacific; and afterward we'll take a stroll down sunset and all points inbetween to get into all sorts of mayhem!

oh but the fun don't stop their! not by a lightyear! after friday night we'll stumble back to the homestead and get what sleep we can before headin' out to veGas!

the CuZ has got some sort of hookups out there so saturday night we're shackin' up at the venetian! oooooh! aaaaah! once we've moved in we'll head out and see what we can see...most likely it will involve gambling, lots of free liquor and of course nudie jointz!

the next day we'll recover a bit...i may ride out to the north end of town with my friend Mr. CoTToN to shoot off some semi-automatic/automatic firearms! lol! this comin' from the guy who just watched "Bowling for Columbine" a few days ago. pheh! like i said, that movie isn't about the's about the shitty ass system.

but i digress.

after lettin' loose with a few hundred rounds of ammunition we'll make our way back poolside and await the arrival of our "lifestyle" friends, M & A at which point we'll roll over to the Palms Hotel and secure our room. then, we'll get all primped and preened and make our way out into the night for the annual...



we'll prolally party all night long til the break a dawn and by monday we'll just be sleepin' by the pool...

the full details i will regail to you all upon my return...right now i'm waaaay too excited to even think about writing anymore. since today is my last day at work until tuesday, ya'll are just gonna' hafta' wait with baited breath for me to return and give the huge update!

so have lots'n'lots of wicked fun out there this 3-day weekend my lil cyber-katz and kittenz! be safe! be nice! get some serious sex action! i command it!




6:43 p.m. - 2003-08-28


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